Dr Paul Pittaluga

Vascular Surgeon

Dr. Paul Pittaluga, vascular surgeon, handles all consultations regarding veins. He performs venous echo-Doppler examinations as well as all intervention techniques for varicose veins: ASVAL, phlebectomies, endovenous techniques (laser, radiofrequency, etc.).

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October 1984 to October 1990 : Medical studies at the Faculty of Medicine in Nice

May 1990 to October 1995 : Passed the Hospital Internship competition, assigned to Nice, 1990 competition; Intern at the Nice Hospitals

October 1995 : State Diploma of Doctor of Medicine, Nice

October 1995 : Specialized Studies Diploma in Vascular Surgery, Marseille

November 1995 to October 1996 : Appointed Assistant – Chief of Clinic at the University Hospital of Nantes, November 1995, in the Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Department (Pr. MICHAUD)

November 1996 to October 1997 : Appointed Assistant – Chief of Clinic at the University Hospital of Nice, November 1996, in the Vascular Surgery Department (Pr. LE BAS)

November 1997 to October 1998 : Appointed Hospital Attaché at the University Hospital of Nice, November 1997, in the Vascular Surgery Department (Pr. BATT)

October 1998 : Diploma from the French College of Vascular Surgery, Paris

Public Institution Functions

June 2004 : French National Authority for Health (Expert panel member for the treatment of venous disease)

August 2005 : Invited Professor – Mayo Clinic – ROCHESTER, MN (USA)

March 2008-present : Physician accreditation expert (French National Authority for Health)

May 2008-present : Lecturer at University Paris VI (DU in Phlebology)

April 2011 : Invited Professor – Universitad San Salvador – Buenos Aires (Argentina)


Private Institution Functions :

January 2004-present : Co-Founder and Surgical Director of the Riviera Vein Institute

June 2009-2018 : Founding President of SAS Riviera Vein Institute Training Consulting

January 2011-present : Co-Founder and Educational Director of Riviera Vein Academy

June 2009-present : Founding President of SAS Venatech

Janvier 2022-présent : Fondateur et directeur du Paris Veine Institut


Scientific Societies :

1. Member of the French College of Vascular Surgery – President of the Venous Committee (2008-2016)

2. Full Member of the French-Speaking Society of Vascular Surgery – President of the Venous Committee (2008-2016) – Administrator (2008-2014)

3. Member of the European Society of Vascular Surgery

4. Full Member of the French Society of Phlebology

5. Member of the French Society of Vascular Medicine

6. Member of the American Vein Lymphatic Society

7. Member of the American Venous Forum, Chair of the Award Committee (2009-2011), AVF International Committee Member (2013-present)

8. Member of European Society of Phlebectomy

9. Member and Vice-President of the European Institute of Physionutrition

10. Colombian Association of Angiology and Vascular Surgery (Honorary Member)

11. Argentine Society of Venous and Lymphatic Surgery (Honorary Member)

12. Belarus Society of Phlebology (Honorary Member)


Scientific Journal Reviewer :

2007-present : Annals of Phlebology

2009-present : Annals Vascular Surgery

2009-present : Phlebology

2012-present : New England Journal of Medecine

Scientific Publications :

  • 53 original articles
  • 36 book chapters
  • 592 oral presentations at scientific conferences

Research and Development :

Tribaway Process : patented in the United States


The doctor is a healthcare professional who can easily communicate with his patients in two different languages: English and French.

La Clinique Étoile est notre établissement de référence, spécialisé dans le traitement et la prise en charge du lipœdème. Avec une superficie de 700 m² spécialement aménagée pour ce type d'interventions, elle offre un environnement luxueux et confortable.

01 45 74 12 25

12 rue Beaujon, 750008 Paris



Du lundi au vendredi de 07:00 à 20:00


Métro - Charles de Gaulle Étoile : Ligne 1, 2 et 6
Rer RER A : Charles de Gaulle Étoile
Bus : 22 - Charles de Gaulle Étoile
Interparking - Paris 08